Medical Professionals Committed to You

You are unique. So we work to develop personalized solutions to overcome your unique health challenges - whether they're related to stress, work, family or emotional pain. We believe this focus is the only way to drive the behavioral changes that lead to sustainable progress toward your health goals.

Our Mission

We seek to broaden the reach and impact of medical nutrition therapy, dietary and healthy lifestyle counseling, which provides assistance for a wide range of health concerns, to children, adults, seniors, couples and families. These include weight management, pregnancy, pediatric conditions, sports performance, and aging.

Our Vision

Competent, evidence-based, clinically proven medical nutrition therapy works to improve your chronic conditions and/or maintain good health. Services include one-on-one therapy, healthy lifestyles education, grocery shopping guidance, meal preparation ideas, recipes, dining out guidelines, and on-the-go eating tips.

Why Choose Us

Quite simply: we care and we understand your struggle. Moreover, we have the medical training and nutritional expertise to help you achieve your health goals. We put you at the center of everything we do, and tailor a unique solution for you, because you are unique. Come see the difference we can make in your health journey.

We Treat The Whole Person

We understand that eating healthy isn't just a matter of changing your diet.
We look deeper and work with you to craft solutions that address your unique circumstances.

Contact Us Today

Meet Our Team

At To Better Health, all of our counselors are Board-Credentialied medical professionals that share a passion for wellness.

Trained in science-based nutrition and medical nutrition therapy, our team is able to work closely with your doctors to craft nutritional programs tailored to your specific health needs from weight management and diabetes to heart disease and gastrointestinal health.

Are You Struggling to Achieve Your Health Goals?  We Can Help You Get There.